Living in Love and Balance!

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Life is a Journey!

I was an athlete in college and powered through life even though I was already starting to have health issues. Then later after I started having kids things went downhill fast. Inflammation, digestive issues, hormones, pain. My body was really struggling to maintain balance.
At one point, after a cortisone shot, I was very upset that this would be the way I would have to live for the rest of my life. 

Later, while I was at a physical therapy session, I was encouraged to seek out life healing foods and options. I began to study everything I could about the body and good nutrition and plant healing. I knew what I needed but I couldn’t seem to find it anywhere.  Then one day I was introduced to a company that cared as much about MY health as I did and went to great lengths to assure potency, purity and protection for my body.  Some changes were immediate, and others took more time but finally my cells are happy and I am on a continual path of health and a body in balance. I don’t have to dread the downward spiral of my body and mind as I age anymore but instead look forward to aging gracefully!  Now I’m on a mission to help a whole lot of people benefit from my years of learning and break free from whatever limits them and to help them create a legacy of health for their families!

Ready to learn more? Let's get in touch! 

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Raindrop Technique  sessions

"RAINDROP Technique is a powerful, non-invasive tool for assisting the body to relax, release and experience a general “reset”. Incorporating Vita Flex, adaptations of reflexology, acupressure, and Young Living essential oils this practice promotes a harmonious balancing of mind and body.
Raindrop Technique uses a layering process of 9 different Young Living therapeutic essential oils that support the body's natural defenses, as well as other body systems. These oils, which help fight oxidation in the body, are also mood elevating and can create an unfavorable environment for unfriendly intruders, hibernating in the body. Essential oils may support stamina and energy, and promote overall health and vitality. The principal oils used include:
The oils are applied in little drops like rain from a height of about six inches above the back, which is where Raindrop Technique gets its name. They are then worked along the spine and back muscles. They are also applied to the feet.  The combination of these oils and the application of moist warm towels allow the oils to penetrate your body rapidly and begin their therapeutic process at the cellular level.
The session takes about an hour and may continue to work in the body for up to one week following a Raindrop Session, with possible bodily adjustment taking place during this time.
Everyone will experience the Raindrop Technique differently, depending on your body’s needs. Recipients may experience deep relaxation, increased energy, sounder sleep, an emotional release, or other immediate effects. In some cases, a detox effect is also possible.
A balanced body is the result of a well-rounded program of self-care including exercise and a healthy diet.  Health is everything we do, say, hear, see, smell, put on our bodies and eat. "Raindrop Technique is not a cure-all or a magic bullet but rather a valuable tool you can incorporate into your wellness plan.  
For more information or to schedule an appointment, text or call Rebecca Arnold at:  816-213-3406

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