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Beautiful and complex, flowers have impacted our world since the beginning of time. Imagine for a moment, the vast array of colors and the intoxicating smells in the Garden of Eden.
Artists and musicians alike have been inspired by these floral masterpieces and their work, in turn, inspires us. Who can look at a Monat, Van Gogh or Georgia O’Keeffe and not feel emotion? Who can hear songs like “Run for the Roses” written by Dan Fogelberg or “Bed of Roses” by Bon Jovi without them creating beautiful pictures in our minds?
I can still hear my Dad call out to me, “Don’t forget to stop and smell the roses!” as I rushed out the door. He knew the importance of taking time to appreciate life, and to not just rush through it.
But smelling plants and flowers is so much more than just a nice metaphor. When the scent of a flower hits your nose, it travels to cell receptors and quickly moves to the limbic portion of your brain.
Smell is the only one of our senses that attaches to our memories without going through our conscious brain first. It is said that smell is the brain’s direct link to the environment and to our subconscious mind. All smells, like all sounds, have their own signature frequency. If they didn’t have their own vibration, we wouldn’t be able to tell one scent from another.
Our sense of smell is ten thousand times more powerful than any of our other senses. It’s one of the reasons I love to go for walks in the springtime. The competing aromas from the different flowering plants are heavenly to me. I can’t seem to get enough of it!
The scent and sight of flowers can increase levels of positive energy and help people feel secure and relaxed. Research shows that people who spend extended lengths of time around plants tend to have better relationships with others, and that children who spend time around plants learn better.
Keeping flowers around the home and in the workplace greatly reduces a person's stress levels. It’s a great way to bring nature back into our lives, especially if we spend a lot of time indoors.
There is a natural energy and vitality in nature and the scent of flowers can have a huge positive impact on our mental health. Their scent comes from the essential oil that is housed in them. So when you can’t get flowers on your table, you can always diffuse rose, orange blossom, jasmine or ylang ylang. Since the oil is much more concentrated, you may immediately begin to feel more alert or more relaxed. You may feel the release of negative emotions or the soothing of muscle tension. Even mood enhancing chemicals like serotonin and endorphins get released in the brain!
For centuries, people have used flowers for celebrations, illnesses, funerals and just to say “I love you”. The frequency of roses can spread joy, enhance healing and comfort those who mourn.
The nature that is all around us is God’s gift to all of us. It is as if He is saying, “I love you”! It is to heal, bring joy, and to calm our anxious moments.
So plant some flowers, diffuse some essential oils and create a garden of positivity in your life. And always remember to stop and smell the roses!
Ask me to come up with my favorite memories in life and they would almost certainly involve lots of laughter. I often reminisce about nights out with my sisters and laughing till my sides hurt, or listening to my talented brother do his famous impressions. Sitting around the dinner table and laughing with my kids while they tell silly stories, now that makes my heart sing!
I have always appreciated and craved humor. My dad, in his family letters, would always include a comic or a humorous saying. I just loved that. I admire a quick wit and the ability some people have to make me laugh. Sometimes the humor is obvious, other times you have to be a good listener to hear the subtle humor that a person offers.
In Proverbs 17:22 we read, “A joyful heart is good medicine.” Laughter creates healthy physical and emotional responses in the body. It strengthens your immune system, triggers the release of endorphins, helps to protect your heart, and can exercise those stomach muscles. Emotionally it can relieve stress, improve energy and diffuse built up anger. It will almost certainly leave you in a better mood and may even add years to your life.
But most importantly is what laughter can do for you in your relationships. It draws you closer to people, and helps you be less critical of others. If you share laughter together your relationship will stay fresh and spontaneous. You will love more and be less defensive.
With laughter there is an exchange of infectious energy. Be around a person laughing and eventually you will start laughing too. Remember the TV show, “Make Me Laugh”? The person sat in a chair and had comedians perform in front of them and the longer they could keep from laughing, the more money they made. But with the crowd laughing around them it was hard to keep a straight face for long. Laughing is fun-we want to join in and it makes us feel great!
Sometimes life hits us hard and we are in pain and discomfort and we don’t feel like laughing. But even then, it can help us find relief from the stress of our situation.
How do we laugh when we don’t feel like it? The first thing to do is smile. When you smile more, you begin to feel the happy effects. You open up your heart and you signal to people that you are ready to relax and laugh. Place items around your environment to remind you to smile like funny sayings, quirky coffee cups and fun socks- anything to help you start your day with a smile. Tell yourself that you are going to smile every time you see another person or enter your home or every time you wake up in the morning.
Introduce more comedy in your life. Listen to your favorite comedian or choose to watch funny shows. Read funny books, or go to a comedy club on a date night. Have game nights with friends or family and let the laughter roll!
And finally, for me, one of the most important things is hang out with funny people that make you laugh. I love to laugh. I can’t get enough of it. It makes me happy. So if you think you can “make me laugh” let’s hang out! I hope you smile today.