Choose Wisely

Choose Wisely
We’ve all been there.  You are shopping for a product and rather than pay for a more expensive brand, you opt for the cheaper generic version only to be sorely disappointed by its quality.
Then maybe immediately you remember the saying, “You get what you pay for” or, “Buy it right or buy it twice”.  These are not 100% accurate statements of course but more often than not it turns out to be the case.  If you want higher quality, it will cost you more.  Some examples that come to mind are cars, homes, tools, and mattresses.
Nowhere is this decision more important than when you are dealing with your health and wellness. In fact, the question I get asked most often when educating about essential oils is: “Aren’t all essential oils about the same and if not, what makes them different?” 
In some ways that’s true because 98% of essential oils produced today are used in the perfume and cosmetic industry.  Only about 2% are produced for therapeutic and medicinal purposes.  That 98% is usually made up of mostly synthetic chemicals created in a lab to imitate plant material.  So even if the label says 100% pure or organic essential oil or all natural essential oil, don’t be fooled because there are no laws against that.  These synthetic oils can never be health promoting!  
But what is an essential oil and how do we make sure it isn’t adulterated? We have to look to the plant kingdom to find material for creating a truly synthetic-free, all natural product.  It is the oil within a plant and comes from the leaves, the blossoms, the resin, the rind, the seeds, the bark and sometimes from the entire tree.  
 Then we need to look at how that plant was grown and how it was extracted from the plant.  That’s where you will begin to see the differences among that 2% grown for therapeutic purposes.  
The modern day father of distillation said, “I believe that essential oils are the closest physical and tangible substance that carries the spirit of God on earth.”  Essential oils are composed of hundreds of different compounds. Some of these exist in tiny amounts, and yet it is these trace elements that add to the character of the essential oil, the depth of fragrance, and the therapeutic capabilities. 
So here are some questions you need to ask of your essential oil company: 
Where did the seeds come from and what kind of soil were they planted in?  
Were enzymes, microbes and frequencies added to a terrain untainted by pesticides and herbicides? 
How were the weeds controlled?  By pesticides or hand weeding?  (Hand weeding a field of lavender costs one company about $12,000/acre-- while using pesticides costs only $60/acre.)
And when that plant is determined to have its highest therapeutic potential, how is the oil extracted from the plant?
These factors will make a huge difference in the quality of the plant and therefore the oil it produces. 
The most common way to extract the oil is a process called steam distillation. Distillation is one of the most critical factors that determine whether you end up with mediocre oil or one that is full of energy and vitality.  Too much heat, too much pressure, or too long in the distiller and you will have most likely destroyed the compounds most beneficial to your health.  And each plant requires different procedures!  
Other companies will practice something called fractionated distillation where they take out the heavy, earthy smelling compounds so that your oil smells “good”, without considering the effects this has on the therapeutic value of the oil. 
There are many other ways to determine the purity of your oil but in the end its importance cannot be overstated.  You cannot substitute a cheap imitation and expect to get therapeutic effects that bring balance to the body.  
In a culture where we are always looking for the best $1 menu in town or the cheapest prices on amazon, you need to realize your health is too important to approach in this manner.  
Understand that nature cannot be rushed or recreated by scientists.  It takes time and care and an unwavering effort to produce a product that has the potential to have a profound effect on your health! 
So consider that if you plan to spend less on your wellness now, most likely you will end up spending more on your sickness later! 
Maybe we could all benefit from the advice my husband gave many times to our children as they left the house when he called out, "Make good choices!" 

 If you find yourself in a position where you would like to reclaim your health, you might be interested in my guide: 3 Ways to a Healthier Home 

Join our Healthy Living In a Toxic World Facebook Group


Most of our decisions come from a place of love or fear.   Both cannot coexist in the same space.  In 1 John we read “perfect love drives out fear”.  The sweet spot is coming from a place of love.  
Love gives in a way that transcends judgment.  The more you come from a place of love, the easier it becomes.   Mother Teresa said, “ Intense love does not measure, it just gives.”  I think that is beautiful!  
But what is the chemistry of love?  What happens in the brain?  
Research has shown a link between acts of kindness or love and increased levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain, Neurotransmitters are responsible for sending signals between the nerve cells.  Lower your dopamine and you may have feelings of boredom, loss of satisfaction, or low physical energy.  
Other research centers on oxytocin. Sometimes called "the love hormone", oxytocin plays a role in forming social bonds and trust in other people. This gives some clarity as to why love and fear cannot both be present at the same time.  
In the Greek language, there are 6 or 7 different words for love-some referring to empathy or friendship, romantic or unconditional love. In addition philautia
refers to self-love.  You may have heard it said that until you learn to love yourself, it is impossible to love someone else.  Think about it. How does your body feel when you are engaged in negative thoughts or self talk?  
We can pause and make the change back to love and feel the soothing connections in our body.  Using things such as prayer, quiet time, exercise, and essential oils will go a long way to helping us feel love and practice philautia.
Once we begin to change the state of our own minds, we can then begin to interact and make decisions based on agape or unconditional love.   It is our choice to love another person whether they love us back or not.  It is not based on emotion but rather is an act of the will.  
When we exist in this state of love, it raises the frequency of our cells.  It is easier to smile and helps us to be patient and kind.  It reduces anxiety, stress, anger and so many other emotions that can lower the frequency of our cells.  
And as a bonus, alignment with love, allows our body to do some of its best healing work.  It may even help us live longer, more fulfilled lives.  
You see, love really is the answer.  It draws us closer to one another and closer to God.  My father loved to throw open the blinds and declare that we are “Children of the Light”.  So may you lean into the light of love and let it guide your thoughts, words and deeds. 
You may want to try this "self love" essential oil blend.  
In a 10ml roller bottle combine:
15 💧Valor
15 💧 Ylang Ylang
Fill the bottle with V6 carrier oil or a carrier oil of you choice.
Roll it on your wrists or temples when needed.  

If you find yourself in a position where you would like to reclaim your health, you might be interested in my guide: 3 Ways to a Healthier Home 

Smell the Roses!

Smell the Roses!

Beautiful and complex, flowers have impacted our world since the beginning of time.  Imagine for a moment, the vast array of colors and the intoxicating smells in the Garden of Eden. 


Artists and musicians alike have been inspired by these floral masterpieces and their work, in turn, inspires us. Who can look at a Monat, Van Gogh or Georgia O’Keeffe and not feel emotion?  Who can hear songs like “Run for the Roses” written by Dan Fogelberg or “Bed of Roses” by Bon Jovi without them creating beautiful pictures in our minds?


I can still hear my Dad call out to me, “Don’t forget to stop and smell the roses!” as I rushed out the door.  He knew the importance of taking time to appreciate life, and to not just rush through it.


But smelling plants and flowers is so much more than just a nice metaphor.  When the scent of a flower hits your nose, it travels to cell receptors and quickly moves to the limbic portion of your brain. 

Smell is the only one of our senses that attaches to our memories without going through our conscious brain first. It is said that smell is the brain’s direct link to the environment and to our subconscious mind. All smells, like all sounds, have their own signature frequency. If they didn’t have their own vibration, we wouldn’t be able to tell one scent from another. 


Our sense of smell is ten thousand times more powerful than any of our other senses.  It’s one of the reasons I love to go for walks in the springtime.  The competing aromas from the different flowering plants are heavenly to me.  I can’t seem to get enough of it! 


The scent and sight of flowers can increase levels of positive energy and help people feel secure and relaxed. Research shows that people who spend extended lengths of time around plants tend to have better relationships with others, and that children who spend time around plants learn better. 


Keeping flowers around the home and in the workplace greatly reduces a person's stress levels.  It’s a great way to bring nature back into our lives, especially if we spend a lot of time indoors. 


There is a natural energy and vitality in nature and the scent of flowers can have a huge positive impact on our mental health. Their scent comes from the essential oil that is housed in them.  So when you can’t get flowers on your table, you can always diffuse rose, orange blossom, jasmine or ylang ylang.   Since the oil is much more concentrated, you may immediately begin to feel more alert or more relaxed. You may feel the release of negative emotions or the soothing of muscle tension. Even mood enhancing chemicals like serotonin and endorphins get released in the brain!



For centuries, people have used flowers for celebrations, illnesses, funerals and just to say “I love you”.  The frequency of roses can spread joy, enhance healing and comfort those who mourn. 


The nature that is all around us is God’s gift to all of us.  It is as if He is saying, “I love you”!  It is to heal, bring joy, and to calm our anxious moments. 



So plant some flowers, diffuse some essential oils and create a garden of positivity in your life.  And always remember to stop and smell the roses!  



Ask me to come up with my favorite memories in life and they would almost certainly involve lots of laughter. I often reminisce about nights out with my sisters and laughing till my sides hurt, or listening to my talented brother do his famous impressions. Sitting around the dinner table and laughing with my kids while they tell silly stories, now that makes my heart sing! 


I have always appreciated and craved humor. My dad, in his family letters, would always include a comic or a humorous saying. I just loved that. I admire a quick wit and the ability some people have to make me laugh.  Sometimes the humor is obvious, other times you have to be a good listener to hear the subtle humor that a person offers. 


In Proverbs 17:22 we read, “A joyful heart is good medicine.” Laughter creates healthy physical and emotional responses in the body. It strengthens your immune system, triggers the release of endorphins, helps to protect your heart, and can exercise those stomach muscles. Emotionally it can relieve stress, improve energy and diffuse built up anger. It will almost certainly leave you in a better mood and may even add years to your life. 


But most importantly is what laughter can do for you in your relationships. It draws you closer to people, and helps you be less critical of others. If you share laughter together your relationship will stay fresh and spontaneous. You will love more and be less defensive. 


With laughter there is an exchange of infectious energy.  Be around a person laughing and eventually you will start laughing too.  Remember the TV show, “Make Me Laugh”?  The person sat in a chair and had comedians perform in front of them and the longer they could keep from laughing, the more money they made. But with the crowd laughing around them it was hard to keep a straight face for long.  Laughing is fun-we want to join in and it makes us feel great! 


Sometimes life hits us hard and we are in pain and discomfort and we don’t feel like laughing.  But even then, it can help us find relief from the stress of our situation. 


How do we laugh when we don’t feel like it?  The first thing to do is smile. When you smile more, you begin to feel the happy effects.  You open up your heart and you signal to people that you are ready to relax and laugh.  Place items around your environment to remind you to smile like funny sayings, quirky coffee cups and fun socks- anything to help you start your day with a smile. Tell yourself that you are going to smile every time you see another person or enter your home or every time you wake up in the morning. 


Introduce more comedy in your life.  Listen to your favorite comedian or choose to watch funny shows.  Read funny books, or go to a comedy club on a date night.  Have game nights with friends or family and let the laughter roll! 


And finally, for me, one of the most important things is hang out with funny people that make you laugh.  I love to laugh.  I can’t get enough of it.  It makes me happy.  So if you think you can “make me laugh” let’s hang out! I hope you smile today. 


No Pain No Gain???

No Pain No Gain???

If you grew up in the 70’s and 80’s you have almost certainly heard of the Jane Fonda workout videos.  I inherited a set from a family member but can’t say I ever really used them much.  
Why do I bring this up?  Well, because in those videos, she made the phrase” No Pain, No Gain” very trendy.  This idiomatic expression was not her creation (its origin is actually much much earlier than that), but she definitely made it popular.  
The idea behind the saying is that if you don’t feel pain when you are working out, then you aren’t working hard enough.  But is that really sound advice? 
I am no longer comfortable with the word pain to describe that.  Maybe we could agree that a better word would be discomfort in those instances.  After all, great athletes are not developed without many hours of “discomfort” on their way to success.  
It is true; that as you do conditioning, lift weights, or jump up and down bleachers you are going to tear muscles and the body will lay down more cells to repair them, making the muscles stronger.  I definitely experienced this in all my early morning stadium workouts.  
However, many times we take this a step too far and encourage athletes to “play through the pain”.  Because of this mentality often players, to protect their playing time, make that decision themselves. 
If I had followed that advice, I probably could have avoided some consequences later in life.  Crying after a practice because I had so much pain in my back or joints should have been a warning sign for me to heed.  But I had goals and I thought I had to push through the pain to achieve them. When my gut started sending me messages I shouldn’t have ignored those pleas for help either. 
When I became a “wellness warrior” over 15 years ago, I started paying attention to the pain and being kinder to my body.  I searched for and found natural remedies. I began to whittle away at the damage I had unknowingly inflicted in the past. And I got rid of products I was using that were toxic to my body.  It is an ongoing process for sure.  
Your body is a miraculous, healing machine.  Your health depends on how well you care for it, how well you listen to it, and who you partner with to help keep it balanced.  
So in my younger years, “no pain, no gain” was my mantra, but now……. I’m in it to win it!  
If you find yourself on a similar path, looking for a change, you may want to check out my free guide to 3 ways to a Healthier Home
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